"صورة توثّق زيارة CNECC International Engineering لتاكنس، تجسد الابتكار في شراكة دولية بمجال الإنشاءات. تبرز التكنولوجيات المتقدمة والتفاعل البنّاء، تعكس التطور المستدام في مشاريع البنية التحتية وروح الابتكار المستمرة."

An innovative international partnership. CNECC visit to Takns

The visit of the CNECC International Engineering Chinese Company to Taknis represents an innovative international partnership for Taknis and a valuable opportunity to strengthen relationships and exchange experiences in the field of construction. CNECC was established with the aim of providing integrated services in infrastructure, electrical and mechanical engineering, and construction, earning a reputable position in the industry.

CNECC expertise include airport infrastructure, energy, transportation, and public infrastructure. The company is distinguished by its commitment to providing sustainable solutions and employing modern technology in all its projects. CNECC International Engineering is part of the CNECC Group, one of the leading companies in China and globally.

A delegation from CNECC International Engineering visited Taknis to exchange knowledge and experiences in engineering, design, and the latest construction technologies. The projects of both companies were reviewed, and future collaboration opportunities were discussed.

This visit reflects the commitment of both companies to international cooperation and the development of their capabilities in international construction. The exchange is expected to enhance mutual understanding of the technical and organizational requirements of major projects, thereby improving work quality and project efficiency.

This visit is a significant addition to Taknis’s record of building strategic partnerships with International Companies, reinforcing its position as a leading Company in construction and Real-Estate investment.

توقيع اتفاقية شراكة ليبية تركية

Signing of a Cooperative Agreement Between Taknes Holding Company and the Turkish Company SAOSAN

Ongoing efforts and diligent initiatives have resulted in the signing of a cooperative agreement between Taknes Holding Company and the Turkish company SAOSAN, aimed at enhancing the collaborative relationship and providing integrated capabilities in the field of general contracting, construction, real estate development, and infrastructure projects. This agreement seeks to exchange expertise and knowledge in the engineering field and achieve joint success in implementing large and diverse projects.

Taknes Holding Company is a leader in the construction, real estate development, and building sector, boasting extensive experience in executing high-quality projects. On the other hand, SAOSAN, a prestigious Turkish engineering and construction company, is recognized for its wide experience in delivering innovative and sustainable solutions.

This agreement includes a mutual understanding to support each other in construction, development, and real estate projects, in addition to exchanging expertise and knowledge in various engineering fields. The targeted projects within this context include executing large urban projects, developing residential and commercial complexes, and enhancing the infrastructure of cities and regions.

Through this collaborative partnership, both companies look forward to achieving joint success and enhancing their capabilities in executing major and advanced engineering projects. The signing of this agreement reflects their joint commitment to achieving excellence and quality in all aspects of work, and developing innovative and sustainable solutions that meet the aspirations of clients and the needs of society.

This strategic partnership between Taknes Holding Company and SAOSAN goes beyond the usual bounds of cooperation and represents a significant step forward in the engineering field. By exchanging expertise and knowledge, the two companies will be able to implement innovative and high-quality construction and building projects, and improve the infrastructure of various areas.

This agreement is characterized by its comprehensiveness and close cooperation, where joint strategies for project execution and achieving specific goals will be developed. The companies will contribute to enhancing each other’s capabilities and achieving economies of scale, leading to positive outcomes and enhanced competitiveness in the construction and building market.

Taknes Holding Company and SAOSAN are fully prepared to achieve success and excellence in the contracting and construction field. The companies will collaborate in developing new techniques and processes, and using the latest technologies in their joint projects. This partnership will have a positive impact on the companies’ ability to innovate.

توقيع اتفاقية ليبية اسبانية ، تاكنس تعزز وجودها في السوق العقاري الليبي

Signing a cooperation agreement between Takns Company and URBAS GROUP.

My apologies for the oversight. Here is the corrected translation:

A strategic agreement has been signed between [Takns Company](https://takns.com/) and [URBAS GROUP](https://grupourbas.com/en/home-2/), marking a significant step towards the development of the construction and real estate sector in Libya. This partnership aims to execute diverse projects that meet the needs of the local market and enhance economic growth in the country. Both Takns and URBAS GROUP bring their extensive expertise to this collaboration, making it strong and fruitful.

Infrastructure Enhancement and Economic Improvement: Libya faces challenges in developing infrastructure and improving the economic situation. The partnership between Takns and URBAS GROUP seeks to address these challenges and make a qualitative leap in this sector. The companies will undertake residential and commercial construction projects that cater to the local market’s needs and contribute to economic growth. The partnership will also focus on developing vital infrastructure such as roads, schools, and hospitals, contributing to sustainable development in Libya.

Quality and Innovation in Execution: Takns and URBAS GROUP are committed to delivering high-quality and efficient projects. Both companies will leverage their accumulated experience and modern construction technology to execute projects at the highest quality levels. Working collaboratively and efficiently, the companies will provide innovative and integrated solutions to meet market needs.

Achieving Economic and Social Development: The partnership between Takns and URBAS GROUP provides opportunities to enhance marginalized infrastructure in Libya and improve the quality of life for citizens. The collaboration will create new job opportunities and promote investments in the construction and real estate sector, boosting the local economy and contributing to the country’s self-sufficiency. Additionally, the partnership will contribute to providing safe homes and improved public facilities, enhancing community quality of life and contributing to social development.

Sustainability and Sustainable Development: Takns and URBAS GROUP demonstrate their commitment to sustainable development. The companies will give special attention to implementing environmentally friendly projects and promoting resource sustainability. The projects will rely on modern construction techniques and environmentally friendly materials, minimizing environmental impact and preserving the surrounding nature.

The partnership between Takns and URBAS GROUP represents a real opportunity for the development of the construction and real estate sector in Libya. The collaboration will contribute to boosting the local economy, improving infrastructure, providing new job opportunities, and achieving sustainable development. By focusing on quality and innovation, the companies will deliver outstanding projects that meet market needs and enhance the quality of life for citizens.