Al-Rifaq University Educational Investment Building Project

Construction of the reinforced concrete structure for Al-Rifaq University by Takns

تفاصيل المشروع

Takns Holding is undertaking a distinguished educational investment project for Al-Rifaq University for Applied and Human Sciences. The project involves constructing a concrete structure for an educational building consisting of nine floors (basement, ground floor, seven upper floors), with a total land area of 655.25 square meters. The project was designed by the Libyan House of Architecture and Engineering Consultations, with a focus on providing a comprehensive educational environment that meets the latest engineering standards.

Takns is committed to executing the project with the highest quality standards, aiming to enhance educational infrastructure and provide innovative educational spaces. The project aims to support Al-Rifaq University’s capabilities in offering advanced educational programs and achieving excellence in higher education

موقع المشروع

Tripoli , AL Dahra

مساحة المشروع

655.25 square meters

الجهة المالكة

Al-Rifaq University
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